I really like how cam looks and sounds
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I really like how cam looks and sounds
I really like the lip syncing for auto correct man
Great work in general, really impressive for just a week worth of work
fun game but I found a bug where if you spam jump you can fly.
Fun, but I can cheese it easily.
I had to explain to my friend that I was balling as a fast food mascot.
Edit: Yeah, I'll try
Still waiting for a review to come in where someone has played in 2 player co-op mode... maybe your friend needs an in-person demo to fully understand?
Colors are really good
^^ Thanks!
The mollusk is one of my fav albums, great art
Colors are great!
Thanks, I took the colors from they’re box art.
A guy who wants to be an animator but procrastinates too much.
Age 15, A dude
None :(
Joined on 8/3/22